November 1, 2024
Grace and Peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord!
November is a busy month! Setting our clocks back, remembering all those who have passed away this year, thanking our Veterans for their service and Election Day. Later in the month, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Then it’s right into Advent. Please take a deep breath and let it out. You can do this with the help of our Lord.
Jesus says, in Matthew 6:34, “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Good advice for those of us with many tasks to do! Remembering that “day” was made for doing all the activities that need to be done, while “night” was made for resting, is helpful for me. Maybe it would be for you as well.
As we approach election day, I encourage you to vote. The United Methodist Church (UMC) believes voting is a fundamental human right and a sacred duty. The UMC's Social Principles include supporting free and fair elections. The UMC's Book of Discipline states that voting is a privilege and responsibility of citizens and a vital part of participating in society. The UMC also believes that voting allows people of faith to influence the world. So, no matter your choice of candidate, please vote.
I am planning an Advent Bible Study for this December. Meetings will be on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m., beginning December 4 and continuing each week. Christmas is on a Wednesday this year, so our last Bible Study will be on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, at 2:00 p.m. Please join me as we prepare for the birth of Christ! More information will be available soon.
Special thanks are sent to Kim (Ball) Ahrens, whose father was the Minister at Onaway and Millersburg in 1972-73. She still receives our newsletter and saw the request for greeting cards. She sent me a package of beautiful handmade cards I will use in my card ministry. Kim has Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). She has a card ministry and supports others who do as well. Thank you so much for thinking of Millersburg/Onaway, Kim! She passes along her unending gratitude and blessings to us. We pray for blessing to you, your card ministry, and all people with PKD. To find out more about PKD, visit
Grateful thanks to our congregation. You make pastoring joyful!
If you have any needs or would like to have a visit, please call the church at 989-733-8811 or call/text my phone at 989-590-7231. You can also email me at
In Christ,
Pastor Jan
All the pages of our new website are under construction. Please be patient with us and check back to see new developments!