Discover who we strive to be
Engage in our remarkable journey of faith and community. Uncover the beauty of shared beliefs, the joy of unity, and the strength found in togetherness. Every Sunday, at the sacred hours of 9:30 am in Onaway and 11:15 am in Millersburg, we gather to honor a purpose greater than ourselves. Join us as we embark on this divine calling.
Our path is illuminated by the unwavering belief that a meaningful life is intricately tied to a divine plan. Come, be a part of our congregation where aspirations meet devotion, where souls connect, and where a shared vision binds us together in the light of faith.
Craft and Chat
An opportunity for people who live in the community to come together in a “safe space” meeting place!
Real in-person conversation over a cup of coffee, while learning a featured craft activity of the day.
On select Friday mornings, 9:30 am at Onaway UMC
Fun for all ages, everyone welcome!
(Light lunch provided.)
Craft and Chat
What are we planning?
Christmas Ornament Chrismons
Craft and Chat Scheduled Dates:
November 8